China commences $11 B desert-based renewable project

China is to build a renewable energy project in Inner Mongolia, estimated at $11 B.


China renewables Kubuqi Desert

Image source: Oil Price

China, Beijing: China is to build a renewable energy project in Inner Mongolia, estimated at $11 B.

The project will have a capacity of 16 GW and produce around 40 billion kWh of electricity for Beijing and the provinces of Tianjin and Hebei. It will include solar, wind, and upgraded coal power and will be the largest renewable energy project in a desert area.

The project will be located in the Kubuqi Desert, which already has a massive solar farm with 196,000 panels covering 1.4 million square meters. The solar farm has already produced around 2.3 billion kWh, according to Chinese media.

The country aims to increase its wind and solar capacity to 1,200 GW by 2030, as it aims to peak emissions by that year. China is currently the top emitter of greenhouse gases globally.

In addition to being the world’s largest wind and solar power generator, China also leads the solar panel market and it is currently expanding its wind energy technology on an international level.


Source: Oil Price