Transformer falls off a rail wagon in Slovenia

Slovenian police has stated that a wagon carrying a power transformer overturned at the railway station in Zidan Most, in the direction of Celje.


Transformer fell from train

Image source: RTV Slovenia

Slovenia, Celje: The police administration of Celje has stated that a wagon carrying a power transformer overturned at the railway station in Zidan Most, in the direction of Celje.

Slovenske železnice (Slovenian railway company) explained that an external contractor carried out the heavy transport.

The cause of the accident has not yet been confirmed.

The Celje police also stated that a Czech citizen who was riding in a cabin behind the overturned wagon was seriously injured in the accident. When the wagon overturned, the cabin was torn off and carried to the embankment of the Sava River.

According to the Safety and Rescue Authority, firefighters rescued him from the bank using a rope. They also inspected the special-purpose wagon because it carried two fuel tanks and batteries. Firefighters also checked the water surface of the Sava River to Radeč as a preventive measure due to a possible spill of oil derivatives.

As the head of the intervention from the Celje professional fire department Klemen Jeranko explained, the cabin of the special wagon fell into the Sava. Still, there were no significant quantities of fuel in it.

“There was a small amount of hydraulic fluid left in the pipes, about 10 l, which we contained to prevent further spills,” he said.

The firefighters pumped approximately 500 l of fuel out of the wagon that had been leaking after the accident. “To prevent further leakage, we decided to pump it out and take it away,” he explained.

In the meantime, the firefighters installed hoses around the cabin to contain even the slightest leakage. According to Jeranko, the cabin has been secured, and remediation is the responsibility of the transport operators.

Material losses will be very high.


Source: RTV Slovenia