New mobile switching station for Mozambique

Zest WEG, a supplier of custom-designed mobile power solutions, has delivered a mobile switching station to Mozambique's national power utility EDM.


Zest WEG mobile switching station

Image source: Crown

Mozambique, Maputo: Zest WEG, a supplier of custom-designed mobile power solutions, has delivered a mobile switching station to Mozambique’s national power utility EDM.

The 33 kV switching station, complete with 36 kV-rated switchgear, is housed in a purpose-built enclosure installed on a double-axle trailer and includes all protection requirements to allow for quick connection and safe operation at all times.

“At Zest WEG we regard Mozambique as a key strategic market and we are delighted to have completed this order successfully,” says Sollie Herbst, Senior Manager, Energy Systems at Zest WEG. He adds that although Zest WEG does not have a branch in Mozambique, it has an established Value-Added Reseller in the country that can provide support – together with Zest WEG in South Africa – to customers in the country.

The mobile system delivered to EDM follows closely on another recent notable success for Zest WEG in Africa, which saw the company supplying a 50 MVA mobile substation, one of the largest ever built in South Africa, as well as a 33 kV mobile switching station, to Electricité de Guinée, the national electricity utility in the West African country of Guinea.


Source: Crown