US east coast to launch transmission upgrade

New England states plan to secure federal funding to invest in upgrading power transmission infrastructure in the region.


USA New England power transmission

Image source: reNEWS

USA: New England states plan to secure federal funding to invest in upgrading power transmission infrastructure in the region.

They have filed papers with US Department of Energy (DoE) for support of innovative grid upgrade proposals that would grow the region’s supply of clean, reliable, and affordable energy.

New England states have unique winter energy security and reliability risks, relying on natural gas to generate nearly half of their electricity needs while sitting at the end of an often-constrained natural gas pipeline system.

The states are therefore interested in transmission investments that reduce the region’s reliance on imported fossil fuels in winter months, help insulate electricity customers from the wild swings in the fossil fuel markets currently leading to high electricity prices and take advantage of diverse energy sources.

They intend to utilise the DoE’s competitive funding opportunity that will eventually award up to $250 M per project for selected projects that implement innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to enhance grid resilience and reliability.

The innovative transmission proposals are part of the states’ work together under the New England States Regional Transmission Initiatives.


Source: reNEWS