Main approves onshore wind farm and transmission line

Maine regulators have approved the construction of Longroad Energy’s 1 GW King Pine wind farm and LS Power Base’s 345 kV transmission line.


Wind farm USA

Image source: Wind Power Monthly

USA, Maine: Maine regulators have approved the construction of Longroad Energy’s 1 GW King Pine wind farm and LS Power Base’s 345 kV transmission line.

The transmission line would run electricity from the wind farm to the rest of New England via the ISO-NE grid. It would have a capacity of 1.2 GW power. The $2 B-worth onshore wind farm will be the largest east of the Mississippi.

“These projects will provide significant benefits to Maine and the region, including jobs during construction, property tax revenue for local communities, and environmental benefits from new renewable energy displacing fossil fuels,” said Philip Bartlett, chair of Maine’s Public Utilities Commission (PUC).

The influx of renewable energy into the regional grid will also help reduce electricity prices and benefit Maine consumers. Throughout New England, the PUC stated. The estimate is that the projects will save Maine residents $1.08 B over 20 years.


Source: Wind Power Monthly