Nord Pool and Equigy form partnership for power flexibility

Nord Pool and Equigy have announced a partnership to create a new way to trade energy flexibility in the Dutch power market.


Nord Pool trading desks

Image source: Nord Pool

The Netherlands: Nord Pool and Equigy have announced a partnership to create a new way to trade energy flexibility in the Dutch power market.

The goal of their project called FlexiSwitch, planned for launch during the first half of 2023, is to reduce obstacles to market entry for small-scale flexibility service providers. The idea is to standardise and harmonise interfaces between smaller flexibility producers and wider balancing and power markets, offering a structure connecting them to the markets.

In this way, they can trade easily and have the choice of where to place their flexibility – between ancillary services markets, managed by TSOs and the intraday market.

“With three decades of experience in providing transparent power markets, Nord Pool is founded on the principle of facilitating simple, efficient and secure trading. FlexiSwitch aims to bring smaller-scale flexibility producers into the very heart of the trading system, providing access to balancing markets, redispatch services and power exchanges. This is vital if we are to accelerate the necessary ‘green shift’ in power production and consumption towards a future-proof model. We are proud to be partnering with Equigy to deliver this solution, starting with a pilot in the Netherlands which will allow us to create a blueprint which we can deploy, in time, across Europe,” Julien Cossé, Chief Strategy Officer at Nord Pool, commented on the partnership deal.

The increasing numbers of distributed energy resources (DERs) provide much-needed flexibility to the power system, bringing a capacity to balance power networks. The FlexiSwitch project will support DERs and the businesses which aggregate them (known as flexibility service providers – FSPs) to establish a path to access the relevant power markets and give value to their capacity, when and where it is most needed.


Source: Nord Pool