Mexican oil company gets new transformers

Mexico, El Paredon: Transformer manufacturer CHINT has successfully delivered two 115 kV power transformers to Mexico’s oil company Pemex.


CHINT Mexico Pemex transformers

Image source: CHINT

Mexico, El Paredon: Transformer manufacturer CHINT has successfully delivered two 115 kV power transformers to Mexico’s oil company Pemex.

The transformers were delivered to Pemex’s El Paredon substation. The project was completed in eight months, whereby CHINT Mexico has successfully entered the “local supplier club”.

Through this project, the supplier has trained a group of review engineers, project execution teams, and local service teams familiar with local power industry standards and oil and gas industry practices.

This has enabled CHINT to build a talent pool in advance for future orders from the Mexican National Power Company, and in the future, CHINT will provide professional and comprehensive solutions for the entire energy industry chain in Mexico.


Source: CHINT