Indian company wins major transmission project

India, Rajasthan: Sterlite Power has won a major transmission project in Rajasthan, which includes renewable energy evacuation.


Sterlite Power wins transmission project in Rajasthan

Image source: T&D India

India, Rajasthan: Sterlite Power has won a major transmission project in Rajasthan, which includes renewable energy evacuation.

The company has stated in a release that it has been awarded a transmission project for the evacuation of power from renewable energy zones in Rajasthan.

The project comprises the construction of a 350 km, 765 kV transmission corridor in Rajasthan, which will enable the evacuation of one part of renewable power from Renewable Energy Zones. The whole system is an essential part of the roadmap released by the authorities in 2022 for the integration of more than 500 GW of renewable capacity into Rajasthan’s national grid by 2030.

“We are very happy to win another Green Energy Corridor transmission project which is vital to India’s energy transition playbook. This is our eighteenth transmission project in the country, and with our strong capabilities and experience, we are well poised to deliver another world-class asset to the nation,” said the Managing Director of Sterlite Power Pratik Agarwal.


Source: T&D India