Ecuador and Peru to energise power interconnection in 2026

Ecuador: IDB energy expert José Ramón Gómez estimates the power interconnection between Ecuador and Peru will start operating in December 2026.


Ecuador power lines

Image source: bnamericas

Ecuador: IDB energy expert José Ramón Gómez estimates the power interconnection between Ecuador and Peru will start operating in December 2026.

The bank representative gave the information at a sector conference in Peru, highlighting that the expected investments for the lengths in Ecuador and Peru total $290 M and $217 M, respectively.

The regional lender authorized $125 M in November for the infrastructure in Ecuador, while the European Investment Bank (EIB) is anticipated to provide an additional $125 M for the project in Peru.

According to Gómez, the EIB is expected to sanction financing in July, and bids will be released by year’s end.

The state-run power company Celec is in charge of the Ecuador project, which involves the extension of the Chorrillos substation, new Pasaje substation, and the transmission lines Chorrillos-Pasaje (204 km) and Pasaje-Frontera (75 km).

ProInversión, a Peruvian organization that promotes foreign investment, is now accepting bids for the Piura Nueva-Frontera concession.

The expert also mentioned the predicted interconnection utilization, which was expected to begin at roughly 40 % and increase to an average of 70 %.


Source: bnamericas