Network operators seek $137 B for network expansion

Germany, Berlin: Electricity transmission operators in Germany estimate the electricity consumption in the country will be doubled by 2045.


Network expansion

Image source: News in Germany

Germany, Berlin: Electricity transmission operators in Germany estimate the electricity consumption in the country will be doubled by 2045.

In addition, the installed capacity of renewable energy sources is to increase by a factor of five to around 700 GW. This emerges from the first draft of the new network development plan (NEP), presented by the four transmission system operators in Germany (50Hertz, Amprion, Tennet and Transnet BW).

According to their calculations, in order to integrate the additional electricity from renewable sources into the grid and to guarantee reliable grid operation, a massive expansion of the grids is necessary: ”The projects newly identified for the year 2045 cover a total of 14,197 km of transmission lines,” says one notice from the network operator.

Of this, 5,742 km are for onshore networks and 8,455  km for the connection of offshore wind farms. A total of $137 B (€128.3 B) would be needed for the total project, according to the calculations.

In recent years, the operators have already invested many billions of euros in the expansion of the power grid. Despite intensive political efforts to push ahead with the network expansion, it is still is lagging behind the original plans.


Source: News in Germany