National Grid grants $1.25 M for net zero projects

UK, London: National Grid’s electricity transmission and distribution networks have been granted nearly $1.25 M from Ofgem scheme for eight innovation projects.


National Grid grants

Image source: National Grid

UK, London: National Grid’s electricity transmission and distribution networks have been granted nearly $1.25 M (£1 M) from an Ofgem scheme for eight innovation projects.

The ambitious innovation projects will provide critical learnings and research to help inform the future development of a net zero energy system at the same time as delivering significant benefits to consumers.

“We are thrilled that all our project applications were approved as this is our first experience with SIF. We are eager to crack on with the projects that are very diverse and between them cover a wide range of ways that we can help reach net zero. We are also excited to be working with new project partners who often bring new insights. The discovery phase will allow us to test key assumptions and carry out the early work necessary to firm up our plans for the alpha and beta SIF phases where we can develop the initial ideas into prototypes and full-scale trials,” said Jenny Woodruff, Innovation Team Manager at National Grid Electricity Distribution.

Full details of the funding for Ofgem’s SIF scheme, which is managed in partnership with Innovate UK, can be found on its website.


Source: National Grid