California plans $9.3 B of transmission investments next decade

USA, California: The California Independent System Operator has issued a draft transmission plan that identifies 46 transmission projects costing around $9.3 B.


California power transmission

Image source: Utility Dive

USA, California: The California Independent System Operator has issued a draft transmission plan that identifies 46 transmission projects, costing around $9.3 B.

The plan reflects the grid operator’s analysis of system needs over the next decade and will be sent to its board of governors for approval in May.

This draft plan represents the next major instalment of infrastructure investment needed to meet California’s clean energy goals, CAISO President and CEO Elliot Mainzer said in a statement.

“In close coordination with regulatory agencies, load-serving entities and other key stakeholders, we endeavoured to address the state’s reliability and policy needs in the most cost-effective and efficient way possible,” Mainzer added.

Of the 46 transmission projects included in CAISO’s draft plan, 24 are to ensure grid reliability, especially as part of the forecasted electrification of the transportation sector and the built environment. The remaining 22 projects are “policy-driven,” according to the ISO, and are needed to meet the state’s renewable requirements. This latter group of projects are expected to cost $7.53 B.


Source: Utility Dive