Live interview with Dr. Bruce Pahlavanpour about importance of Transformer Oil Standards

Transformer Academy is pleased to announce a live interview with Dr Bruce Pahlavanpour, Dielectric Fluid Consultant for Ergon International Inc.


Transformer Academy is pleased to announce a live interview with Dr Bruce Pahlavanpour, Dielectric Fluid Consultant for Ergon International Inc., and a world-renown expert in the field of insulating fluids. The interview will be held on May 12, at 2PM CET. You can register here. 

In this live interview, Dr Pahlavanpour will talk about his experience in the education of utility engineers, the importance of standardisation and well as his efforts in the fight for the manufacturing of high-quality transformer oils, and new technological advances in the electricity supply. He will also discuss the future of new technologies, such as natural and synthetic exter and how re-refined oils will have a much higher importance.

Join us on May 12!