Contract signed for $7.7 B offshore grid connections in North Sea

Germany: A consortium of Siemens Energy and Spain's Dragados Offshore has signed a contract with TenneT for HVDC transmission technology.


Siemens Energy Tennet Dragados Offshore

Image source: Siemens Energy

Germany: A consortium of Siemens Energy and Spain’s Dragados Offshore has signed a contract with TenneT for HVDC transmission technology.

The technology will serve three grid connections in the German North Sea, and the projects will provide for the transmission of a total of 6 GW of offshore wind power to onshore. The total contract value of the project is about $7.7 B (€7 B).

“In the global race against climate change, grid expansion must be able to keep pace with the accelerated expansion targets for renewable energies. Shorter contracting processes, large-scale tenders and standardization of solutions show how grid operators and manufacturers are already pulling together to get green energy to consumers faster,” said Tim Holt, member of the Siemens Energy Executive Board. “However, in order for the industry to continue ramping up capacity, all available levers must now be pulled at the policy level as well – from raw material and skilled labour strategies to further streamlining permitting processes at all levels.”

The three grid connections, named BalWin3, LanWin2, and LanWin4, will transport electricity from wind farms in the German North Sea to grid connection points in the north of Germany.


Source: Siemens Energy