Zimbabwe’s corporation investing $21 M into solar power

Zimbabwe, Harare: Old Mutual Investment Group Zimbabwe (OMIZ) is to invest $21 M into Centragrid Private Limited to support the generation of 25 MW solar power.


solar PV plant Zimbabwe

Image for illustration purposes

Zimbabwe, Harare: Old Mutual Investment Group Zimbabwe (OMIZ) is to invest $21.5 M into Centragrid Private Limited to support the generation of 25 MW solar power.

Centragrid Energy Systems Africa (Centragrid) is a PV solar power plant in Nyabira where Old Mutual Limited (OML) and the National Social Security Authority want to expand the plant’s capacity from the current 2,5 MW to 25 MW.

“Old Mutual Investment Group Zimbabwe is in the process of deploying $21.5 M into Centragrid Private Limited, a licensed independent power producer,” OML said in its climate report for the year 2022.

According to OML, this is phase II of a 25 MW grid-connected PV plant, while phase I (2 MW out of the 25 MW) is already operational and feeding power into the national grid.

OML stated the 25 MW power plant was expected to power more than 4,000 households and to be upgraded this year to generate more than 3,700 MWh of clean, reliable electricity annually for the national grid.


Source: News Day