Sumitomo Electric opens new factory in Scotland

UK, Scotland: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. has announced a plan to establish a power cable factory in Scotland, UK.


Sumitomo Electric Osamu Inoue_Neil Gray

On the photo (from left to right): Osamu Inoue, President & COO of Sumitomo Electric; Neil Gray, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy (source: Sumitomo Electric)

UK, Scotland: Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. has announced a plan to establish a power cable factory in Scotland, UK.

The company has decided to open a factory in the Scottish Highlands to capture the increasing demand for high-end power cables in the region. Thus, the new factory is to supply cables for offshore wind farms and grid connections, required for the introduction of renewable energy to the country’s power transmission systems.

“We are delighted to work with Cabinet Secretary to build a state-of-the-art submarine cable factory in Scotland. Sumitomo Electric is a technology leader in the industry with a 100-year history of submarine cable production, a solid track record, and high-quality standards. Sumitomo Electric has the technologies necessary for the development of a green society and will work with the Scottish and UK governments and other stakeholders on future offshore wind power and interconnector projects in the region,” stated Osamu Inoue, President & COO of Sumitomo Electric.

“This significant announcement demonstrates the strength of confidence investors have in our vision for a net zero economy. Sumitomo Electric has a proven track record in renewables technology that will be invaluable to supporting Scotland’s rapidly expanding offshore wind sector, with ambitions for more than 27 GW of generating capacity to be delivered through ScotWind. The Scottish Government, Scottish Development International, and Highlands and Islands Enterprise will continue to work closely with Sumitomo Electric to foster this important partnership and unlock the opportunities the global renewables revolution presents,“ said Neil Gray, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy.


Source: Sumitomo Electric