Germany co-finances geothermal project in Kenya with $76 M

Kenya, Nairobi: German Chancellor in Kenya has launched upgrading projects at the Olkaria geothermal plant, providing $76.4 M (€70 M) co-funding.


Olkaria plant Kenya

Image source: Energy & Utilities

Kenya, Nairobi: German Chancellor in Kenya has launched upgrading projects at the Olkaria geothermal plant, providing $76.4 M (€70 M) co-funding.

The uprating project of Olkaria is aimed at increasing the capacity of two power stations from the current 300 MW to 340 MW, and it is expected to take 28 months until completion.

German Chancellor in Kenya Olaf Scholz said that the plant is a strong expression of Kenya’s leadership in climate protection and a testimony of cooperation between Kenya and Germany.

“I’m glad that we will continue our support by providing financing for an upgrade of the turbines of Olkaria,” said Scholz. “Geothermal power is an excellent basis for green hydrogen production that could be used for the local production of fertilizers allowing Kenya to establish new value chains,” he added.

The Olkaria geothermal plant consists of six geothermal plants, the first of which was commissioned in 1981. The stations supply over 800 MW to the Kenyan electricity grid, which is a large part of the country’s energy supply.


Source: Energy & Utilities