US utility groups call for action on electrical steel


US utility groups call for action on electrical steel

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USA, Washington: US utility groups urge US president to take action on electrical steel

In a letter to the US President Biden, a collection of trade groups explained that electrical steel is a core component of electric motors, transformers, EV chargers, and other grid equipment due to power loss reduction properties.

“Shortages of domestic electrical steel are contributing to significant and persistent supply chain challenges across our industries,” the groups said.

Concerned that a key material for power grid equipment and electric vehicle chargers is in short supply, electric utilities, home builders and an automotive trade group are urging the White House to hold a summit to address the limited availability of electrical steel.

Limited supplies of domestically manufactured electrical steel have created a challenge for utilities and others seeking widespread adoption of EVs and are a contributing factor to an insufficient inventory of distribution grid transformers, the groups said.

The federal government can guarantee the purchase of electrical steel supplies up to a defined amount, as needed for critical electrical industries to meet electrification goals and to incentivize increased manufacturing capacity of the two primary types of electrical steel, they said.

Source: S&P Global