Colombia’s US$3.5 B power transmission projects

Colombia will develop seven power transmission projects to provide additional grid generation capacity.


Colombia's US$3.5 B power transmission projects

Image for illustration purposes.

Colombia, Bogotá: Colombia will develop seven power transmission projects to provide additional grid generation capacity.

Colombia’s Mines and Energy Ministry will put seven power transmission projects to tender in order to provide new grid generation capacity.

The works are slated for the Colombia’s north, northeast, central-west and southwest regions, and will require combined investments of up to US$3.5 B. They are due to be commissioned no later than mid-2026.

The largest development is the GCM – Línea de Transmisión HVDC – Alta Guajira project, involving a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) connection to the Colectora 2 substation in La Guajira department, scheduled for investment of at least US$1.8 B (up to US$3.5 B). UPME commented: “The proposed HVDC project allows the incorporation of 3,000 MW of renewable generation in La Guajira, contributing to the reduction of the marginal cost of energy, increasing energy reliability and avoiding the emission of greenhouse gases.”

There are several more projects, as follows: the Córdoba Sucre – Segundo Circuito Cerromatoso – Sahagún – Chinú 500kV project, involving the installation of a 5 km, 500 kV transmission line and two bays in the Sahagún substation at the Córdoba department, slated for investment of US$9 M.

The next one is Córdoba Sucre – Corte Central Subestación Chinú 220kV, which involves the refurbishment of a 220 kV substation at the Córdoba department, slated for investment of US$430,000.

Also, there is the Suroccidental – Adecuación en la subestación San Marcos 500 kV project at Valle department, involving substation expansion works, including the installation of transformer and reactor bays, slated for investment of US$9.5 M.

Additionally, there is the Bolívar – Tercer transformador en la subestación Bolívar 500/220kV project at Bolívar department, slated for investment of US$12 M, involving the installation of a third 450 MVA transformer at the 500/2308 kV Bolívar substation.

There is also the Suroccidental – Segundo Transformador en la Subestación La Virginia 500/230kV project at Risaralda department, involving the construction of a second 450 MVA transformer at the 500/230 kV La Virginia substation, slated for investment of US$11 M.

And finally, there is the Arauca – Reconfiguración subestación Banadía 230kV project at Arauca department, scheduled for investment of US$69,000, involving the reconfiguration of the 230 kV Banadía substation to allow the connection of 120 MW of generation.

Source: Bnamericas