Consultation over planned Wales to Shropshire power line

Views are being sought over a new power line planned from Wales to Shropshire, which will connect a new windfarm near Powys to the National Grid via Lower Frankton.


Consultation over Wales to Shropshire power line plans

Image for illustration purposes.

UK, Wales: Views are being sought over a new power line planned from Wales to Shropshire, which will connect a new windfarm near Powys to the National Grid via Lower Frankton.

Bute Energy said Mid Wales did not have the capacity to connect new renewables to homes and businesses, so infrastructure is needed. A public consultation event was held on Thursday at Hordley & Bagley Village Hall in Lower Hordley near Ellesmere.

The windfarm – Llyn Lort Energy Park, near Llanerfyl – is currently being consulted on by Bute Energy and could generate up to 165MW energy, enough to power 144,000 homes per year. Developing the new network, called Green GEN Vyrnwy Frankton, will reduce pressure on the existing electricity grid. The proposal is for a new 132kV overhead line, supported on 27-metre-tall steel lattice pylons. These are shorter and “less bulky” than traditional pylons which reduce visual effects, Bute Energy said.

Members of the public can provide feedback on the route identified for the overhead line through Powys and Shropshire, and the proposed location for a substation near the Llyn Lort Energy Park.

Gareth Williams, grid director at Bute Energy, said: “We know that people have differing views on new infrastructure, and we are committed to doing everything we can to cause the least disturbance to the environment and those who live, work and enjoy recreation close to our proposals.”

Further consultation events will be held over the coming days.

Source:  BBC News