White Cross windfarm submits onshore planning application

White Cross Offshore Windfarm Limited, a joint venture between Cobra and Flotation Energy, has submitted its onshore planning application.


White Cross, floating offshore windfarm, submits onshore planning application

Saunton Sands (Image credit: Cobra/Flotation Energy)

UK, North Devon: White Cross Offshore Windfarm Limited, a joint venture between Cobra and Flotation Energy, has submitted its onshore planning application.

The proposed 100 MW windfarm, located 52km off the North Devon coast will consist of 6 to 8 state-of-the-art floating wind turbines and when operational, generate enough clean electricity to power around 135,000 local homes. The associated cable route has been selected based on extensive consultation and feedback. It’s proposed to make landfall at Saunton Sands, connecting to the electricity grid at East Yelland substation. Ensuring the efficient transfer of energy to the grid, a new onshore substation unit is also being proposed, close to the existing East Yelland substation.

The opportunity presented by the commercial scaling of floating offshore wind for the UK is extensive and well documented. White Cross forms part of the Crown Estate’s Test and Demonstration leasing opportunity, which aims to develop innovative floating energy technologies within the Celtic Sea. The project will play a key role in supporting the growth of a regional supply chain in the Southwest of England, whilst developing new jobs and skills for local communities. It will also support the scale-up of subsequent offshore wind developments in the Celtic Sea region and beyond.

Al Rayner, Projects Director, Flotation Energy, said: “We have been developing this site since 2020 and this consent application is a huge milestone. On track to start generating energy in 2027, the success of White Cross and similar projects provides significant opportunities for the UK to reap the associated economic benefits whilst also tackling climate change. It also helps secure the UK’s continued position as a world leader in offshore wind development.”

The project supports the UK Government’s target to deliver 5 GW of energy from floating offshore wind by 2035. This application follows its offshore consent application which was submitted to the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) earlier this year. The consultation process is now live for both applications.

Source: Cobra