Iberdrola’s first hybrid solar-wind project in Spain

Iberdrola has completed the construction in of the first hybrid wind and solar photovoltaic plant in Spain.


Iberdrola's first hybrid solar-wind project in Spain

Image for illustration purposes.

Spain, Burgos: Iberdrola has completed the construction in of the first hybrid wind and solar photovoltaic plant in Spain and is now immersed in the commissioning process.

The company reinforces its innovative and renewable leadership in the region with this development in Burgos that optimises the use of the grid and minimises the environmental impact of the projects in the places where they are located.

This 74 megawatt (MW) photovoltaic installation has more than 120,000 photovoltaic modules and is located in the Burgos municipalities of Revilla Vallejera, Villamedianilla and Vallejera to hybridise the existing 69 MW BaCaBallestas and Casetona – wind power complex.

Its construction has had an important local component, which has contributed to the revitalisation of the economy and employment in the region. Its development has involved 360 professionals. The company has allocated more than €40 million to the execution of the project combining wind and solar energy at a single site. Iberdrola will invest in this technology in the coming years with which it aims to improve its renewable resources and make the most of existing locations.

The incorporation of solar modules increases the contribution of clean, cheap and competitive energy to the electricity system of these installations and ensures that they supply the maximum amount of green energy originally authorised for each project, for as long as possible.

Having two technologies capable of alternating significantly reduces dependence on changing environmental conditions and limitations due to possible lack of resources such as wind or sunshine, facilitating more stable and efficient renewable production.

Hybrid generation plants use the same grid connection point and share infrastructures, such as the substation and the evacuation line for the electricity produced. In addition, they are located on land that was already used for renewable generation and allows for common roads and facilities for the operation of both technologies. This results in a much lower environmental impact than would have been the case with two independent plants.

Iberdrola has also begun construction of the Valdemoro and Buniel wind farms. In the province of Burgos alone, it has recently built or is developing more than 550 MW between seven wind farms. It is also currently developing two other photovoltaic facilities in the region totalling 400 MWVelilla and Virgen de Areños III. Last year, it started up its first photovoltaic plant in the region in the province of Burgos, Revilla-Vallejera (50 MW) and has completed construction and started work on the commissioning process of the Villarino photovoltaic plant (50 MW) in Salamanca.

Source: Iberdrola