Transformer market report: What is the uncertainty of the reported market size?

For the last two years, the global transformer market has been characterised by high demand and rising prices.

byM. Carlen, E. Blauvelt

Carlen and Blauvelt

For the last two years, the global transformer market has been characterised by high demand and rising prices, caused on the one hand by the ongoing transformation of the electricity grid and the electrification of various appliances, such as EVs, and on the other hand, by a large rise in materials costs.

Statplan has carried out a detailed analysis in its latest report, Ed. 11, and presents the methodology for the determination of accuracy and the outcome in this paper. The market analysis by M. Carlen and E. Blauvelt covers low voltage transformers >1 kVA, and medium and high voltage distribution and power transformers.

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