400 kV Greece-Bulgaria transmission line inaugurated

A 2 GW DC interconnection between Greece and Bulgaria will transfer green energy from Greece and electricity from Bulgaria.


400 kV Greece-Bulgaria transmission line inaugurated

Image for illustration purposes.

Greece, Athens: A 2 GW DC interconnection between Greece and Bulgaria will transfer green energy from Greece and electricity from Bulgaria.

The second 400 kV ultra-high voltage transmission line (New Santa-Maritsa East) interconnecting Greece and Bulgaria was inaugurated at the CESEC (Central and South Eeastern Europe Energy Connectivity) Ministerial Conference in Athens, in order to strengthen the electricity network and the electricity market in Southeast Europe.

“The investment benefited from financial support of almost $31.5 million from the EU Connecting Europe Facility,” said European Union Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson.

The line started operations in summer 2023, thus increasing the scope for energy exchanges between Greece and Bulgaria and boosting cross-border trade and energy security in SE Europe and the Balkans.

“With the second interconnection between Greece and Bulgaria, the maximum nominal energy exchange margin between the two countries now amounts to 1.7 GW,” said the Minister of Environment and Energy, Theodore Skylakakis. “In the future we envision a new 2 GW DC interconnection between Greece and Bulgaria, which will transfer even larger amounts of green energy from Greece, but also electricity from the Bulgarian side.”

The second project was included in the Ten-Year Development Program of ENTSO-E from the beginning of its planning and is also in the list of Projects of Common Interest of the European Union.

Source: T&D World