Vesterhav Nord powers up

Vattenfall's 176 MW Vesterhav Nord offshore wind farm has started producing power.


Vesterhav Nord powers up

Image for illustration purposes.

Denmark: The wind farm has joined its 168 MW sister park Vesterhav Syd, which began generating electricity last month.

Mathilde Damsgaard, project director for Vesterhav Syd and Nord at Vattenfall, said: “It is with great pride that we are now sending the first fossil-free power ashore from Vesterhav Nord as well. It has been an exciting task with many challenges since we won the tender in 2016, and it is great to see the efforts bear fruit thanks to a great effort from the many involved.”

All 21 turbines in Vesterhav Nord should be connected before the end of March. Once this happens, the wind farm will be able to supply clean energy to 180,000 households. Last year, it became obvious that it would not be fully connected within the deadline (December 31, 2023) included in the agreement with the state. Vattenfall has applied to the authorities for an extension and is still in dialogue with the Danish Energy Agency about this.

To minimize the visual nuisance from lights at coastal offshore wind turbines, a new radar-controlled system is being installed at the wind farms, so that the warning lights on the turbines at night are only switched on if an aircraft is approaching. Until the authorities’ final approval after a test period, the anti-aircraft lights on the hardware will be on all the time.
