Elements Green’s 800 MW planned solar site

Elements Green has completed the stage one consultation for its 800 MW Great North Road solar power plant north-west of Newark.


Elements Green’s 800 MW planned solar site

Image for illustration purposes.

UK, London: The consultation aimed to present early-stage proposals and allow local communities to influence the scheme from an early stage. It included two community webinars and six in-person exhibitions. The first round ran for six weeks.

Great North Road Solar Park managing director Mark Noone said: “We would like to thank all those who have participated in our first round of community consultation, whether this has been through attending one of our events, contacting our communications channels to ask questions, or providing your feedback. We are pleased to have received over 200 responses to our Stage One Consultation. This feedback will help our team to improve our understanding of the local area and the aspects of Great North Road Solar Park that local communities consider most important for us to prioritise as we further develop our proposals.”

He noted that amendments are currently being made to the scheme, and revised landscape masterplans will be circulated in the coming weeks.

Source: renews.biz