
Ethiopia-Kenya electricity line set to go live

Kenya, Nairobi: Construction of a 1,045 km ‘electricity highway’ between Kenya and Ethiopia has been completed with the facility expected to go live in four months’ time.

TBEA wins $98M transmission project in Ethiopia

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP) has awarded a $98 million contract to the Chinese company TBEA Contractor Ltd. for the construction of Bole-Lemi and Kilinto industry zone power transmission project in Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia received transformer orders from neighbouring countries

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: Tatek Transformers Production Factory operated by the Ethiopian Power Engineering Industry (EPEI) is preparing to export transformers to East African countries, with orders already placed by some neighbouring countries, reports All Africa.

Africa thrown into focus for local transformer manufacturing

Global transformer manufacturers engaged in the business of transformer production and distribution in Africa have been focusing their attention on developing and expanding their local production capacities in order to position themselves in the Africa’s surging transformer market and respond to the growing demand for this critical electrical equipment.

Turkish transformer manufacturer doubles investment in Africa

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: Turkish-based Sunrise Engineering and Machinery Manufacturing PLC, a company engaged in the business of manufacturing and distribution of transformers in Ethiopia for more than a year, is currently looking to expand its production capacity with an additional investment of $5million to $7.5 million.

Ethiopia to start exporting transformers

Ethiopia, Addis Ababa: The Ethiopian Power Engineering Industry (EPEI) operating under Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC) has announced its plan to start exporting Ethiopian made power transformers to neighbouring countries.