HVDC Energy Highways


Event Details:

  • Date:
  • Location: Shanghai, China
  • Event homepage

At HVDC 2020 Shanghai, gain access to capital for your HVDC technology.

Electric power is fundamental to modern society’s industrial recovery.

With growing grid access of large amounts of Renewable Energy Sources (RES), the linear energy chain now transforms into a complex power matrix of Dispersed Generation—a big challenge for smart grids to maintain system stability and reliability requirements of the Grid Code.

Innovative solutions with HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current) and FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission Systems) with LCC (Line-Commutated Converter) and VSC (Voltage- Sourced Converter) technology play an important role in the smart transmission:
• to enable bulk power long-distance transmissions and grid access of RES;
• to reduce transmission losses and CO2 emissions;
• to interconnect countries and even continents for an open electricity market; and
• to improve the transmission stability.

Attend HVDC Energy Highways 2020 (20-22 October 2020, Westin Bund Shanghai) and gain access to capital solutions and networks for your HVDC technology.

o 2-day conference covering taxation, government subsidies, local content requirements of largest global utilities

o Technology use cases, plus a 1-day site tour to a nearby substation for more intimate technical conversations

o The program features a complete basket of project financing options: equity, loans and grants, and risk mitigation funds.

With China State Grid now the world’s largest electricity company valued at US$ 585.278 billion, partnering with the largest utility company is valuable to commercialize your technology.

Register for HVDC Energy Highways 2020 today! Email info@amgfirst.com for more info.