
E.ON and Statoil building Arkona Offshore Wind Farm

Germany: E.ON and Statoil have announced their final investment decision on the development of the 385 MW Arkona offshore wind farm, also known as Arkona Becken Südost, in the Baltic Sea, Germany.

RTE France places &25M transformer order with ABB

Switzerland, Zurich: The electrical transmission system operator RTE France has awarded ABB a contract worth around $25 million for the supply of transformer products and services for the ongoing offshore wind power projects that will help boost France’s renewable energy supply.

ABB to supply transformers for new UK wind farm

Switzerland, Zurich: ABB has won an order to provide substations and related power infrastructure for the Rampion Offshore Wind Farm situated off the Sussex coast, as well as the onshore substation to efficiently integrate the new wind farm into the country’s transmission grid.