#power distribution

San Francisco offers PG&E $2.5 B infrastructure buyout

San Francisco has offered to buy $2.5 B worth of electrical equipment from Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), a crucial step in an evolving plan to take control of power distribution from the bankrupt utility in favor of a city-controlled municipal power company.

Japan to fund power distribution system upgrade in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone, Freetown: In an attempt to improve power distribution for the expanding population of Freetown, Sierra Leone’s capital, the Government of Japan has provided funds for the power distribution system upgrade in the city and its surroundings.

ADB grants $1.5B to support Azerbaijan’s energy sector

Azerbaijan, Baku: The Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s updated business plan for Azerbaijan will allocate around $1.5 billion in loans and technical assistance grants to help the country diversify its economy and promote sustainable, non-oil growth.

Eskom signs $160M power distribution deal with AFD

South Africa: South Africa’s largest utility company Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd. signed a 150 million-euro (nearly $160 million) credit agreement with France’s development agency to enhance reliability of the power grid and help the power company improve distribution of electricity.

FirstEnergy invested $30M in new power transformers in Ohio

USA, Ohio: FirstEnergy has made an investment of $690 million in the Ohio Edison service area on power transmission and distribution infrastructure, including building new transmission lines, new substations, and installing new power transformers.

CORPOELEC to upgrade the substation in East Vargas

Venezuela, Vargas: The National Electricity Corporation (Corpoelec) advances its plan for preventive and corrective maintenance of the substation located in Mare Abajo where two 10.5 MVA transformers will be installed.