#renewable energy


Middle East Energy

The Middle East’s energy and utilities sector is undergoing an unprecedented transformation, with the shift towards renewable energy and digital innovation.


UHVDC and UHVAC transformers

As renewables increasingly become part of power generation, the need to transmit energy over greater distances with reduced losses becomes ever more desirable.

$1 B project in Chile to integrate more renewable energy

Chilean president Sebastian Pinera officially inaugurated the 753 km Cardones-Polpaico transmission line that will enable the transport of renewable energy from the regions in the north to consumer points in Chile’s south.

EBRD grants a $110M loan to Turkey

Turkey: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has extended a $110 million loan to help fund development of renewable energy projects in Turkey.

RTE France places &25M transformer order with ABB

Switzerland, Zurich: The electrical transmission system operator RTE France has awarded ABB a contract worth around $25 million for the supply of transformer products and services for the ongoing offshore wind power projects that will help boost France’s renewable energy supply.