The challenges for our electricity grids are continuously growing.

byMaschinenfabrik Reinhausen


The challenges for our electricity grids are continuously growing. Rising capacity and fluctuating transformer loads, due to the feed-in of renewable energies and generator mix, make network operation increasingly complex. This complexity and the growing number of ageing transformers, as well as the increasingly demanding technical requirements for monitoring and control of systems, are presenting new challenges to the operator. Forward-looking management is essential, to operate existing systems efficiently, to plan measures systematically and to avoid critical faults in power transformers.

Having intelligent data about the condition of their assets is crucial for the operator to keep costs under control and to allow reliable planning of replacement investments and service measures. MR is working intensively to develop solutions to make transformers even more intelligent to enable a meaningful assessment of the condition of operating equipment. Combining online and offline data with algorithm and artificial intelligence, MR performed a central software solution that opens up clear statements and recommendations to the asset health – optional with additional assessments by MR experts.

But that is not all: In addition to digitalizing equipment, the company is supporting grid operators in recording the condition of their transformer fleet and in realizing optimized maintenance and replacement concepts. MR is available as the expert service provider for the entire lifecycle of the transformer, both remotely and on site – from installation to commissioning, through maintenance work and retrofitting all the way to decommissioning.

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