Predictive Maintenance 2020


Event Details:

  • Date:
  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Event homepage

The premier Predictive Maintenance 2020 conference, exhibition and networking forum brings together leading smart utility maintenance leaders from across Europe for an intensive review of the latest utility maintenance case-studies.

Over three intensive days you will get the opportunity to hear from 14+ TSOs and DSOs on how they have made the business case for predictive maintenance, implemented a range of tools and technologies to manage new data intensive maintenance processes, optimised their maintenance schedules to reduce TOTEX, and planned for the integration of new technologies such as AI & ML, LIDAR & UAV, Digital Twin, Blockchain to take their maintenance strategies to the next level.

Programme highlights include:
14+ Utility Case-Studies – gain in depth insights into the latest applications and developments from the field of predictive maintenance across European utilities pioneering the use of new tools and new technologies
Strategic Panel Discussion – listen to insights and thoughts from maintenance leaders from across the European utility space as they make the business case for the adoption of more intelligent asset management strategies, highlighting their value propositions and roadmaps
End-user Roundtable Discussions –  come together with peers from across Europe to discuss the topics of the day, relate the issues to your own experiences and help progress your respective challenges in implementing a smarter maintenance approach
Technology Innovation Panel – hear top tier technology providers present about the application of their predictive technologies in the field and their product development plans to better meet the maintenance needs of utilities
Tutorial on Smart Glasses for Smarter Maintenance – a 90 minute session focusing on next generation smart technologies to enable field workers to become specialists in any asset class through live access to information and AR overlays
Networking Evening Reception – the chance to meet European peers and reflect, swap ideas and create collaborative opportunities to take your predictive maintenance project to the next level
Solution Zone – visit the exhibition area and inspect the latest cutting-edge technologies related to the field of maintenance and asset management