Design of power transformers – e-lesson #15: Insulation in a nutshell

The topics this e-lesson tackles are: Application of PD inception field strength curves in oil gaps (maximum electric field method & cumulative method) Creepage Edge field Reference to hybrid and high temperature insulation systems The e-lesson is presented on the Master’s level and after the live broadcast, it stays available on demand


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Join us for a live lesson scheduled for 5th March at 2 PM CET.

In the live event, course author and host Mr. Aleksandar Lojpur talks about application of PD inception field strength curves in oil gaps through maximum electric field method and cumulative method, creepage and more.

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The content of this lesson is fully vendor agnostic but it is sponsored by Weidmann. 


The topics this e-lesson tackles are:

  • Application of PD inception field strength curves in oil gaps (maximum electric field method & cumulative method)
  • Creepage
  • Edge field
  • Reference to hybrid and high temperature insulation systems
    The e-lesson is presented on the Master’s level and after the live broadcast, it stays available on demand