ENGLISH VERSION: Introduction to transformers #1: History of transformers and introduction to the content of the course

The course is based on almost 50 years of the author's experience in production, protection, design, tests, manufacturing etc.


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The first lesson of the Introduction to transformers course by Orlando Giraldo deals with the path of the transformer designer, the past, the present and the future of the industry development, with the field of transformers in the 2020s, digitalisation of the transformers and the ones for renewable applications.

The course is based on almost 50 years of the author’s experience in production, protection, design, tests, manufacturing etc.

About the author

  • Technological University of Pereira, Colombia – electrical engineer
  • EAFIT University – finance specialist
  • experienced in different positions in the transformer-related areas
  • during the last couple of years, working as a consultant