Strong partner for advanced distribution transformers

Trends change technologies. The same is true of distribution transformers: compactness and environmental compatibility are two of the claims that now characterize modern generations of...


Trends change technologies. The same is true of distribution transformers: compactness and environmental compatibility are two of the claims that now characterize modern generations of transformers. Behind the scenes in production, transformer manufacturers cooperate with experienced partners such as the KREMPEL-GROUP. This group of companies manufactures insulation materials for the global electrical engineering industry and brings its many decades of expertise to bear on this work.

Distribution transformers as reflected in the markets

“Electrical insulating materials for distribution transformers must satisfy various requirements during production and while in operation. That has always been the case, but this is now becoming even more comprehensively significant in view of the changes in power generation and distribution,” stated Thomas Gilke, Vice President of the KREMPEL Transformer & Motor Insulation Division.

More than half of the world’s population now lives in towns and cities, and urbanization is advancing continuously. At the same time, and to a growing extent, electricity is being generated from renewable energy sources. According to the 2015 Global Status Report, almost 28 percent of the generating capacity installed world-wide now exploits renewables. While the demand for energy continues to rise, environmental compatibility issues will continue to gain in importance. These and other factors are changing the global power networks.

“These developments affect the requirements governing power grid systems and their components,” explained Frank Kübler, Manager of the Application Engineering Transformer & Motor Insulation team at KREMPEL. “Two examples: In densely populated areas, every square meter of building land is scarce and expensive. The physical dimensions of the transformers being used here are therefore becoming ever more compact. For locations where environmental protection needs are exceptionally high, the rising trend favors dry transformers or transformers that use alternative insulation fluids.”

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