INSULutions® DPE

INSULutions® DPE

byMichael FRANCHEK, Aleksandr LEVIN

Advanced, most cost-effective 100 percent cellulose insulating paper qualified for up to 140°C Thermal Class in liquid-immersed transformers


Insulation materials (paper, Transformerboard™) and components of modern power and distribution transformers are made of 100% cellulosic fibers. The cellulose materials are significantly more cost-effective compared to non-cellulose materials. WEIDMANN introduces its new advanced 100% cellulose insulating paper INSULutions® DPE that is developed for the layer insulation of transformers and increases the value of cellulose insulation in several areas, including higher thermal rating in systems with mineral oil and ester liquids.

Keywords: cellulose, insulation, thermal rating, dry-out, impregnation

Cellulose based insulation

Insulation materials (paper, Transformerboard™) and components of modern power and distribution transformers are made of 100% cellulosic fibers. A system of these materials immersed in a mineral oil is an “industry proven” standard transformer insulation system recognized to be the most cost-effective and reliable option for these applications.

WEIDMANN has pioneered the development of specialized 100% cellulose insulation materials, components and systems for transformers starting in 1920s and became the global leader in this technical market area. Even the commonly used term “Transformerboard™” was first introduced by WEIDMANN.

The selection of the cellulose for manufacturing of electrical insulation was a forward thinking decision, considering the renewable and sustainable character of this natural resource. This solution is ever more important and vital today with a global focus on the environmentally friendly industrial technologies. WEIDMANN continues to invest and innovate in the area of technology for 100% cellulose insulation materials. Two recent examples of this development are *INSULutions® DPE (DPE) – an insulating paper for transformer layer insulation, and Monoblock – a Transformerboard™ laminated using the structural elements of the cellulosic fibers (for more information on Monoblock please refer to [1]).

DPE is engineered using 100% cellulose, overcomes the limits of traditional Kraft cellulose materials, and provides improvements of the most important insulation material properties: higher thermal stability (i.e. slower aging) in both mineral oil and ester liquids, faster drying, faster impregnation in all transformer insulating liquids and better dielectric performance.

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