Automatic core manufacturing

Automatic core manufacturing



Manufacturing transformer cores includes two critical steps – cutting the steel sheets to the correct shape and stacking them to form the core according to the design. Core cutting is a technologically sensitive process but since it is suitable for automation, it was already earlier automated. Core stacking, however, is a much more delicate process, particularly for larger transformers. It involves a lot of precise and fine operations which used to be possible only for skilled workers to execute. So, the automation was later introduced into this process. This article describes the automatic core cutting line TO 25 with an integrated automatic stacking robot IRE 25 from L.A.E.

Automatic core cutting line TO 25

The core cutting line model TO 25 is designed and built for the production of grain-oriented laminations suitable for the assembly of electric distribution transformer cores using the step lap system. Conforming to the transformer design, this machine is particularly suitable for the production of cores for transformer power ratings ranging from 50 to 2500 KVA.


Developing the IRE 25 core stacking robot L.A.E. innovated the core manufacturing process. The IRE 25 is integrated in the core cutting line, so that now the line TO 25 integrates lamination cutting and assembling the core in a single process. This brings a big advantage to transformer OEMs because the robot relieves the need for manpower and core stacking is a very labour intensive part of manufacturing transformers.

Another big advantage is that the robot can simultaneously stack more than one core at the same time, enabling a greater flexibility in the production. The current version of the robot can simultaneously perform stacking of up to four cores, which can be of the same or different designs. Following the next R&D cycle, it will enable a higher degree of automatization and assembling of even more cores at same time.

How the automatic manufacturing of cores works?

A very important feature of the process is the preparation and setting up of the robot. If it is complicated, the robot efficiency will be reduced. So, L.A.E. developed the solution paying a special attention to the preparation process that is required later for each individual batch of production.

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