Interview with Dr. Ralf Bergmann, Managing Director of HIGHVOLT

Interview with Dr. Ralf Bergmann, Managing Director of HIGHVOLT

byTransformers Magazine

Partner for quality assurance

HIGHVOLT is known as a leading manufacturer of high-voltage test equipment. High-voltage test systems from Dresden have been used worldwide for routine, type, sample and other factory tests, ensuring the high quality and compliance demanded of produced transformers.

Our representatives, and our sales and service teams work closely with the customers and are well familiar with their needs. The company has used this knowledge of customer needs to extend its portfolio significantly over the last decade, introducing consultancy service, new products and systems, automatization, new generation of data management and, of course, local service. HIGHVOLT’s innovative solutions enable transformer manufactures to increase the test accuracy of their test labs, and to operate them in a more effective and productive way, using the available space optimally and minimizing the investment.

On their part, the operators of power transformers, such as energy suppliers, and service companies are also interested in monitoring transformers after installation, during use or after repair in order to guarantee security of supply and ensure the quality standard during the whole life cycle of the transformer. Here, HIGHVOLT also offers mobile solutions.

Combining the test data over the transformer lifetime – from the manufacturing process, through installation and operation to after repair – as provided by HIGHVOLT, can make the evaluation of the quality of an aged transformer more valid.

Above all, HIGHVOLT considers itself as a partner in quality assurance for transformers across all its aspects.

Consultancy saves time and money

Saving the investment costs, using minimum space, combining old and new equipment, being prepared for later expansion, speeding up the workflow and having an automatic data management are essential matters for HIGHVOLT’s customers. Most of these aspects are interrelated. The later these aspects are taken into consideration, the more costly they are, and more time will be wasted.

Therefore, HIGHVOLT assists its customers from the very beginning – from the point when they design the test area. HIGHVOLT’s support, based on the years’ long expertise, ensures that the customer will receive the best possible solution for the test and measuring systems.

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