Editorial message

Dear Readers, Not so long ago, the knowledge in our industry was mostly communicated internally, within a company. Communication with customers was usually sales-related and...


Dear Readers,

Not so long ago, the knowledge in our industry was mostly communicated internally, within a company. Communication with customers was usually sales-related and handled individually by sales staff. Typically, a company would also have a webpage with some content and use product brochures, but this was about it. While this kind of communication will probably never cease to exist, in today’s world it is no longer sufficient or optimal, considering the more demanding technology and business requirements we are faced with. And it is definitely not sufficient to meet the challenges set before us by the requirements of the future technology and business world.

In terms of technology, the traditional communication of knowledge can no longer guarantee the ability of the company to react to fast-changing customer requirements. Nowadays, when novelties such as new methods, new products, new machines and new tools are emerging on a daily basis, it is necessary to continually update the knowledge in order to secure a fast response to new requirements. Ideally, this update should be based on the global experience.

In terms of business, market positioning is in direct relation to the fast, efficient and relevant communication to the market. Today, some communication actions must be very fast; for example, when there is a need to reach your entire targeted population within several hours or one day as a maximum. Efficient means that the outcome of the campaign must be substantial and profitable, i.e. its costs must be at a level which is acceptable to a typical company in this industry. Relevant refers to the audience in respect to its profile and geographical distribution.

In order to respond to these requirements, in our magazine we have developed independent tools for the fast, efficient and relevant communication of knowledge and information. We provide options to all industry stakeholders to use these tools. This is not an intention to promote us, but rather I wish to provide a bit more information on the available options for developing business and competences to those readers who we don’t have a chance to meet at fairs, conferences or other occasions.

Publishing relevant news from all over the world, high-quality technical articles which undergo a thorough review process, and columns from renowned experts, we provide our readers and subscribers with content that can be used as a means of continuous education, based on global experience. Our array of subscription options, from free to corporate subscriptions, should satisfy all tastes and needs, and I find it hard to think of a company on the market not able to afford a corporate subscription and ensure that its employees have access to such education. In many cases, such investment will pay off very soon by the ability to solve real-life problems on the basis of the information obtained from the magazine.

Some of our products are designed to enable you to reach the targeted audience very fast. There are examples when our customers reached their potential customers, distributors, etc. in a matter of a few hours; and then there are cases when we successfully conducted entire campaigns in just two days. However, the latter is a solution for very special cases which only illustrates what we can achieve today, but it doesn’t mean that such campaigns should be used in regular situations.

Overall, many of our customers have used one or more of our options for efficient communication with the market, and it is my view that almost any company with a scalable business model can scale the business up to the global level with support of our tools and services.

One glance at our audience statistics shows that our global audience, with almost perfect geographical distribution and desirable reader profile, fits well the needs of the players in our market.

To demonstrate the above said, it is enough to look at the total content communicated through the magazine. Over the last three years, the content has almost doubled. Our first edition had 68 pages in total, while this edition features 132 pages. Marketing communication content has more than doubled – it has increased by tenfold, if not more.

Our 13th edition of the magazine opens with an overview of the most relevant news and market analyses published over the past three months. The edition presents two very interesting interviews, features four columns, and a selection of technical articles and advertorials.

The market review column brings some very interesting conclusions. The articles that cover transformer testing, monitoring and diagnosis abound with interesting and, I believe, useful details. The same applies to the pieces which elaborate on the concepts for transformer connectivity, tap-changers and Industry 4.0 machinery for transformer manufacturing. Of course, concepts which help reduce impact on the environment are equally well presented and interesting.

I hope this content will bring portions of knowledge that each reader can enjoy and find useful in everyday work.

Have a pleasant reading!

Mladen Banovic, Editor-in-Chief



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