Editorial message

Dear Readers, It is my pleasure to present you with the special edition of Transformers Magazine dedicated to bushings. Following the collection and preparation of...

byMladen BANOVIC

Dear Readers,

It is my pleasure to present you with the special edition of Transformers Magazine dedicated to bushings.

Following the collection and preparation of the materials for this edition, I set forth to create a summary that would highlight in brief the most important points on the subject of bushings. While doing so, I spoke to a number of experts, among them an experienced transformer designer from a well-known transformer company, who attracted my attention with an interesting claim that in the past few decades we haven’t seen a single significant leap in the bushings technology. And by the leap he didn’t only refer to natural movements in the evolution of such a product, such as the advancement in the material technology where better materials would replace the existing ones, or expanding the voltage level of the product, but he also referred to a more comprehensive, quantum leap in the bushings technology.

Nevertheless, I still find it impressive to see bushings for 1100 kV and 1200 kV voltage levels. If we think about the scale of the impact of the development in the industry as a whole, it is probably true to say that only a small number of us will ever come to encounter and work with these solutions, either directly or indirectly, so the real impact of this development may be expected to remain quite limited.

We have, however, seen significant advancements in the RIP and RIS technologies, and particularly in the fields of monitoring and diagnostics, and these advances are more likely to have a wider impact on the industry.

Regardless of their scale of impact, all these advancements are important and worthy of attention. Without transformer bushings for a certain voltage level, it wouldn’t be possible to build a grid of that voltage level, despite the fact that these bushings probably have the same or very similar functionalities as well as handling, maintenance and other procedures as the transformer bushings of a lower voltage level. New materials can simplify the usage of a product, requiring less maintenance, while new monitoring and diagnostic methods can significantly enhance failure prevention and help improve asset management.

Still, if I had to single out one solution that I expect to have the greatest impact on the industry, I wouldn’t choose any of the mentioned ones. In my humble opinion, among the developments we have recently witnessed in the realm of bushings, the “pluggable bushing“ concept is most potent to influence not only the future of the bushings, but the future of the transformer and the way it is used. Our regular editions have dealt quite extensively with this concept, and beside everything that has been published about it, I still think that there are more benefits of this concept yet to be identified.

Just the fact that a bushing can now be replaced without needing to open the transformer’s active part is enough to excite the interest of any inquisitive or innovative mind.

I would like to point to one more issue that has been raised by almost every author in this edition, each from his or her own perspective – a high share of transformer failures that are caused by bushing faults, especially those ending in explosions and fire. The mere fact that a relatively simple and cheap component in relation to the complexity and price of the transformer can have such an enormous impact on its reliability and lifespan is a motive in itself for all stakeholders, from utility companies through bushing manufacturers to material producers etc., to place a greater emphasis on the development of the technology. The important role of the bushings in ensuring physical security only strengthens that motive.

We open this special edition of the magazine with an interview with one of the innovators in the bushings industry, and continue with a wide range of articles on a number of relevant topics related to bushings, including market reviews, discussions on monitoring and diagnostic methods, risk mitigation, maintenance, technology, and more. All this should provide a deeper insight into the current issues in the bushings technology and the relevance of the future developments in this industry.

Last but not least, I would like to take this occasion to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Guest Editors for their thorough and quality peer review of a large amount of materials in quite a limited space of time.

Equally, my wholehearted thanks go to all authors who recognized the importance of taking part in this special edition, as well as all partners for their support in the realization of this project.

Enjoy reading this special edition of Transformers Magazine!

Mladen Banovic, Editor-in-Chief

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