OWELD oxyhydrogen gas generators for transformer industry

Company overview Oxyweld is a leading Italian manufacturer of oxyhydrogen gas generators for brazing. With its Oweld brand marking its 37th anniversary and thanks to...


Company overview

Oxyweld is a leading Italian manufacturer of oxyhydrogen gas generators for brazing. With its Oweld brand marking its 37th anniversary and thanks to its experience and global presence, the company today supports many transformer producers and repairers in more than 70 countries.

Oxyweld’s brazing technologies turn distilled water into gas and replace the conventional oxy-fuel cylinders (i.e. the most common oxy-acetylene, oxy-propane or oxy-natural gas). Thanks to the flame’s properties, the system is specific for brazing copper, brass, aluminium, bus bars, cables, wires and flat wires, from small sizes up to big cross sections. The same flame is also used to remove the resin from the CTC in power industry.

For Oxyweld, last years were years of successful growth in the transformers industry thanks to the high global demand from transformer manufacturers. Nowadays, this technology is used by the majority of transformer producers and repairers, which is a big success that crowns Oxyweld as an important partner. All these producers have chosen Oweld brand to improve the prestige of their company and to provide higher quality products.

“HD” gas generators for transformer industry

The new Oweld “HD” series models (10000HD, 20000HD and 30000HD) are intended for producers of power and distribution transformers who are looking for flexible technology designed to handle different types of brazing, either in assembly or winding areas. These models, thanks to the integrated electronic pressure regulator that stabilizes and adjusts the flame, can braze a wide range of cross sections, from small conductors up to big ones.

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