Interview with Carlos Jacomini, General Manager at Isoletri

Carlos Jacomini has been in transformer insulation business for nearly 25 years. His background is mechanical engineering. He started in ABB Brazil in 1996, and...

byTransformers Magazine

Carlos Jacomini has been in transformer insulation business for nearly 25 years. His background is mechanical engineering. He started in ABB Brazil in 1996, and then in 2000 he moved to Siemens Brazil. He also spent 1.5 years in Siemens in Germany. His responsibilities included optimization of insulation system and development of the concept of insulation kits in Brazil. In 2004 he started Isoletri, a company which is converting and distributing insulation materials such as pressboard, rigid or flexible laminates, and manufacturing insulation kits. Nowadays, Isoletri is the main manufacturer of insulating materials, not only in Brazil but in Latin America as well, being the only company that makes this kind of product.


The only insulation manufacturer in Latin America

Isoletri group is the only manufacturer of complete set of insulation parts and kits for transformers in Latin America. They are also a distributor of insulation materials, such as paper, pressboard, rigid and flexible laminates. The company has about 120 people and the revenue of around USD 15 million. Apart from supplying insulation materials, parts and kits, the company provides the support in transformer design to their customers.

From distributing to manufacturing

My involvement in transformer insulation business dates back when I was with ABB. At that time engineering department was developing ways to reduce the number of products in the insulation system of transformers, in which thousands of small parts are used, from small shim rods and strips up to large winding cylinders and supports such as press plates. Therefore, transformer manufacturers were spending a lot of time and money creating daily thousand of items in the system. My responsibility was to improve the situation with insulating material. I had the opportunity to work on the first project which involved outsourcing manufacturing of insulation kits from transformer manufacturing plant to external suppliers. Actually, I was responsible for the preparation of this project. Later, when I was with Siemens, and when I was working on improvements of the insulation system, I cooperated with people from Pucaro Elektro-Isolierstoffe GmbH in Germany, and we continued this cooperation later between Isoletri and Pucaro.

So, when I came back to Brazil, I started my business as a distributor and convertor of insulation materials and manufacturer of insulation kits for transformers. At that time, all the transformer manufacturers here in Brazil had a big problem with moulded parts because we only had one supplier. Since it was really necessary to find some other suppliers, I started a project to develop moulding parts locally. We wanted to develop wet board machine so we started working on its design. When we developed the machine and got the first wet board, we saw that we have produced a high quality product, and we decided to start making moulded parts in Brazil in 2004 already. Since then I have kept improving the machine and the process.

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