MY TRANSFO 2018 ( was the ninth edition of the conference focused on transformers and transformer oil. This 2-day conference, held in Turin, Italy, December...

bySea Marconi

MY TRANSFO 2018 ( was the ninth edition of the conference focused on transformers and transformer oil. This 2-day conference, held in Turin, Italy, December 18th -19th 2018, gathered 185 participants from 27 countries. 99 companies were represented. 26 speakers, through the presentations and two round-table discussions, provided a lot of valuable content for the audience.

The ninth edition was also very emotional because it coincided with Sea Marconi’s 50th anniversary, the founder and organizer of My Transfo conference, so the event marked the celebration. The visit to Sea Marconi headquarters on December 20th enabled additional opportunities for learning, and a rich social program, based on famous Italian hospitality and kindness, provided great opportunities for networking.

Fabio Scatiggio, Laboratory Manager, Terna Rete Italia (Italy)

Terna is the biggest operator in Europe for the transmission of electricity and the decision to take this new challenge of using vegetable ester fluid instead of the classical mineral oil is due to a lot of reasons. Some reasons are based in safety precautions, since this new generation of vegetable fluid has higher flash point and now we have a very relevant increase of safety inside our substations. The second very relevant approach is due to the biodegradability, so in case of leakage or spillage it is very easy to resolve problem of the pollution of the ground and the pollution of groundwater. Another relevant aspect is the sustainability. Now we do not use the finite sources, but renewable ones such as crops, since they can be yielded repeatedly through harvest and continuous replanting, thus decreasing the impact on planet Earth’s resources. Another relevant aspect is the ability that vegetable esters have, in combination with some specific type of paper, to give an increase of load, maintaining the same size of transformer; so the combination of all these aspects reflects the idea and the reason why TERNA decided to go further in the direction of the vegetable fluids. I started to attend the MY TRANSFO probably since the initial edition in 2002. At the beginning I was just a visitor, but with time I developed other interests and was invited by the organization to give different types of speeches that touched upon many different aspects. The significance and the relevance of MY TRANSFO compared to some other similar events is that it addresses both strategical and technical aspects relevant to transformer users and transformer producers. Therefore, I would strongly recommend to all my colleagues to attend MY TRANSFO. I also strongly recommend it because it is a good opportunity for experience sharing, and you will return home with abundance of new information. That, I would say, is the main reason to attend.


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