Efficient testing

Achieving maximum efficiency during testing Abstract The article describes the increasing challenges faced during substation asset testing. It further shows the changing requirements for state-of-the-art...

byChristian ENK, Martin PFANNER

Achieving maximum efficiency during testing


The article describes the increasing challenges faced during substation asset testing. It further shows the changing requirements for state-of-the-art test solutions to allow the most efficient way of testing in order to counteract these challenges. Thereby, state-of-the-art test solutions not only require optimized hardware, but also tailored software which does not just cover the pure test execution on site. It can also make the entire testing process, including preparation, and follow-up tasks such as assessment and reporting, as efficient as possible.

Keywords: substation asset testing, efficiency, optimized test solutions

1. Introduction

When it comes to testing assets in substations and performing comprehensive condition assessments, efficiency is king. To be able to come to informed conclusions about the correct operation and condition of the asset, whilst also keeping outage time to a minimum, all relevant test data must be collected within the shortest possible time and with the least amount of effort. The safety of the test engineer, the equipment, and the immediate surroundings must be guaranteed at all times.

The actual testing does not begin and end when entering and leaving the substation. To save time on site, the asset that is to be tested and all tests required should ideally be specified in advance. Afterwards, the collected data must be managed and evaluated, and test reports created.

Conventional testing solutions are increasingly reaching their technical limits and are only fulfilling growing requirements in terms of effort and test duration. Thus, it was time to rethink the current state of technology and develop new approaches in order to optimize testing.

The greatest added value comes into effect as follows: If you use testing solutions that are optimized in terms of effort and time, and if several test teams test different substation assets simultaneously, the total time in which the assets must be disconnected from the network is minimized. The advantages of this approach can be used as a part of the general maintenance strategy, for example in case of a planned or unplanned outage of the substation.


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