Artificial intelligence and machine learning in the era of digital transformer monitoring: Exciting developments at Hitachi Energy

Data gives deeper insight that allows us to answer questions that otherwise could not be answered.

byDr. Luiz Cheim, Dr. Mauricio Soto, Tucker Reed

It’s all about the Data.

Data gives deeper insight that allows us to answer questions that otherwise could not be answered. With the rapid pace of the adoption of digitalization, generation and access to data have never been easier. Today, transformer manufacturers are making “digitally enabled” transformers the standard. Transformers are being outfitted with the sensors and monitors needed to generate, collect, analyze, and store critical transformer asset details in near real-time. The analysis of this dana allows us to better understand, diagnose, maintain, and support transformers throughout their life cycles.

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We can now even capture data surrounding the transformer, including ambient temperature, weather patterns, wind speed, humidity, geomagnetically induced current (GIC) activity, etc. and analyze how this surrounding data influences the performance of the transformers. We are finding ways to interpret these ever-growing datasets to help system operators solve day-to-day problems and answer questions that would require vast resources and human-intensive expertise to be resolved. This is the next big hurtle! We have extensive amounts of data; how can we use it to the users’ advantage while respecting the privacy and requirements of the data owner? Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are exciting area of exploration for Hitachi Energy as we are starting to see the massive potential of what these types of analytics can provide to our asset owners. The techniques we are looking at, whether it be multivariate regressions, neural networks, or decision trees, allow us to leverage these massive and growing datasets to catch intricacies hidden within the data, and flag or expose areas to prevent failures, predict behavior, and increase performance.

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