Books on power transformers in Russian – A bibliography 1924 – 1969

This is in continuation of the bibliography of books on power transformers in the German language published earlier [1].

byVitaly Gurin, P. Ramachandran

Column Gurin Ramachandran - Books in Russian

This is in continuation of the bibliography of books on power transformers in the German language published earlier [1]. To compile a bibliography of Russian books on power transformers and reactors, we have considered the time period from 1924 (F. I. Kholuyanov, Single-phase and three-phase transformers, 1924 – the first book in Russian on transformers) until April 2020.

The bibliography is compiled manually from available Internet addresses. There are a very large number of books in Russian. About half of them are textbooks for universities and technical schools, as well as manuals for workers, often less than 100 pages in volume and not of scientific value. The bibliography includes only the most important textbooks for universities that have become widespread (for example, the book by P. Tikhomirov, Calculation of transformers).


Books in the bibliography are grouped in chronological order by year. For each year, the books are listed in alphabetical order by the name of the first author, except for 1959, in which the books are located by the issue number of the Transformers series.

The full names of the authors or their abbreviations and the location of the name (before or after the surname) in the bibliography are indicated both on the cover and on the book’s title page.

The description of the book is given in this order: author, the title of the book, edition number, the name of the publisher, the city where the book was published, number of pages, and the year.

If the book has been published only once, the edition number is not indicated. When a book has been published repeatedly, and the names of the publisher, city, and / or the number of pages coincide, the latter is not indicated. Unfortunately, in those cases, not all editions were found. Only the found editions are indicated.

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