Breakthrough in pole type distribution transformer bushings

Discover how advancements in epoxy high-voltage bushings are enhancing the resilience of distribution grids in renewable energy applications.

byMark Pattison, Amer Krvavac, Barry Beaster, Jeff Door, Jose Gamboa, Ali A. Ghafourian

Breakthrough in pole type distribution transformer bushings

The electric power industry is facing challenges related to increasing demand and climate change, both dictating a significant migration to renewable energy applications. In some applications, this market shift has prompted new approaches to component designs to meet the new challenges of this technology. Achieving cost-effectiveness while considering all variables in the supply chain is crucial. Central to this chain are distribution transformers and their components, which play an essential role.

These demands drive the development of new equipment and components aimed at enhancing durability, ease of operation, and reducing carbon footprint. Therefore, there is a pursuit to develop new components for transformers and electrical equipment in accordance with international technical standards, to innovate new technologies and raw materials, and to enhance quality standards to the highest level.

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