CompactCool – blending dry and liquid cooling transformer technologies

The transition to clean energy sources have caused a shift in the established models of energy generation and electricity transmission and distribution.

byMüge Özerten

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The transition to clean energy sources have caused a shift in the established models of energy generation and electricity transmission and distribution. Coupled with the emergence of increased electrification, e-mobility and data centers, this shift has created the need for transformer design to evolve and meet new challenges. Additionally, the applications for transformers are now more demanding with the increase in scale, size, and power ratings.

The new generation of wind turbines, solar inverters and data centers will need new solutions for transformers to meet application-specific requirements – which are different from mainstream utility distribution transformers such as electric distribution, gas utilities, or waste utilities and more.

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The transformer design conundrum – liquid-immersed or dry-type?

When it comes to sustaining safe and reliable grid performance, the transformer type plays a critical role in effectively managing operational hazards and ensuring service continuation. However, choosing the right transformer type depends on the premise and application, its safety requirements, and the overall initial investment.

For our discussion, we shall consider the two main transformer types – dry-type and liquid immersed.

Dry-type transformers have multiple merits that make them the preferred choice for different applications, especially indoors, like buildings, shopping malls, hotels, hospitals, airports and metro stations.

The absence of liquid cooling media provides an increased level of fire safety and environmental protection compared to mineral oil-filled transformers. They also provide advantages from the maintenance perspective as they are virtually maintenance-free.


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