Editorial message

During this challenging period, we have reported on innovations that arose out of necessity, such as virtual test witnessing and other interesting solutions.

byMladen Banovic, Editor-in-Chief

FN july edition
Image source: Transformers Magazine

Dear Reader,

In the last few months, everyone could have realised that power supply and communication infrastructure are essential for the functioning of modern society. We in our industry know that this is normally the case. However, under the conditions of the crisis we have recently gone through, everyone could have become aware of this. Governments have also recognised this importance of power supply infrastructure and it has been a blessing for many businesses in our field since transformers are at the core of the power system.

During this challenging period, we have reported on exciting innovations that arose out of necessity, such as virtual test witnessing and other interesting solutions. Although some innovations have been introduced swiftly due to urgency, we believe that many useful solutions will remain good for the future.

For years, Transformers Magazine has been supporting a community of innovators and users of digital tools for transformers. Last year, at the initiative of our key partners, we embarked on a project to develop an online academy dedicated to our field. From the beginning, we have envisioned the academy as a set of digital tools that would enable e-learning and digital collaboration in our field. We have worked on the project with great enthusiasm because we all deserve the best opportunities for learning and training. The expectations from the project were high because we believed that the academy was the solution that would enable a professional step forward for many of our colleagues and business partners. From the start, we have focused on developing educational formats for the rapid and cost-effective dissemination of knowledge, which is key to our customers and clients for a quick return of investment in innovations. For our team, the lockdown was one of the most exciting periods. Innovations kept coming as we competed with ourselves and with the challenges that we had never tackled before, to make the academy available to the community as soon as possible.

On 8 May 2020, after months of the entire team’s hard work, we presented a global platform for future education in technology and the transformer market – Transformers Academy. From the first moment, the Academy was accepted with excitement, and the experiences of those who were among the first to try out the Academy’s services encouraged us to continue even more ambitiously. Since then, together with our lecturers, we have prepared a lot of quality material, with much of it still being in process. The overwhelmingly positive response from the community shows that we are all on the right path.

Together with our lecturers, we have prepared a lot of quality material in Transformers Academy, with much of it still being in process

Although it was so suddenly that we have found ourselves on that digital path, our readers recognised the relevance of digitalisation last year when they chose this topic for our Special Edition. The project of the Special Edition on Digitalization is also progressing very well. We have collected very interesting and valuable technical articles, which is certainly a good recommendation for advertisers to take the advantage of the marketing possibilities of this Special Edition.

With a wish for you to stay safe and healthy, may the reading of Transformers Magazine and e-learning in Transformers Academy be enjoyable and rewarding.

We are looking forward to new joint projects.

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